Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions 

1. Agreement between user and globalperm-onlineus.com

If you accept these terms and conditions, you agree to use the globalpermonlineus.com in accordance with the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein. Your use of globalpermonlineus.com signifies your agreement to these terms and conditions of use.

2. Services
Our website serves as a connection to various thirdparty travel services and products. We do not own, control, or provide any of the services or products. The terms and conditions of the third parties apply to the usage of their services and products.

3. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use
You guarantee, while using globalpermonlineus.com, that you won‘t employ this website for any reason that is illegal or forbidden by these Terms & Conditions.

4. Intellectual Property
The content found on globalpermonlineus.com, including text, graphics, logos, images, and software, is owned by globalpermonlineus.com or its content providers and is protected by copyright law. Reproducing or reprinting such material without the express written consent of globalpermonlineus.com is strictly prohibited.

5. Payment and Cancellation Policy
Before booking a travel product or service, you should familiarize yourself with the provider‘s terms and conditions with regards to payment policy (including deposits, balance due dates, and cancellation policies).

6. Data Privacy
We recognize the significance of safeguarding our users privacy and thus are compliant with all applicable data safety regulations. We adhere to our Privacy Policy when collecting, using, and processing your personal data, and by visiting our website, you accept and agree to the particulars laid out within the Policy regards to the information collected and utilized.

7. Modifications and Interruptions

Any part of the service may be modified, suspended, or terminated at any time without giving prior notice. We will not be accountable for these alterations, suspensions, or terminations of the service.

8. Limitation of Liability
Globalpermonlineus.com is not responsible for any harm that arises from viewing, accessing, displaying, or using this website, or for any disruptions in accessibility, display, or usage of this website.

9. Changes to these Terms & Conditions
Globalpermonlineus.com reserves the right to modify these Terms & Conditions at any time. If you keep using the website after any alterations, it will be taken as your consent and agreement to abide by the modified Terms & Conditions.